I'm a big fan of RSS, and use it to keep up on a lot of sites that link to important news, including that about freedom, the second amendment, and its surrounding legal issues.
There are around ten go-to websites out there that I find valuable, and those are linked statically on this site to the right, and always cited when I see information there first. However, there have been enough times when I've seen items of interest that don't get linked at these sites, or linked to days after they first appeared on the web, so I've decided to start sharing.
This site then is my own web log of current news and information related to the fight to preserve our gun ownership rights, enumerated by the second amendment to the Constitution, augmented by the tenth and the fourteenth amendments and many of our own state constitutions. The site also has posts and commentary related to shooting in general, whether at the range, in the field, or at the workbench.
This blog is not meant to compete with, contend with or detract from the sites I respect so much, but to add information to the conversation, and serve as another feed for those addicted to data like me.
The site is so-named because I live in the Westernmost state in the Union. From a time-zone perspective my friends on the East Coast are catching the news cycle before I'm even out of bed. The corollary is that I'm up later - thus the late shift.
About me: I'm an NRA and GOA lifer, live in Alaska, am married and enjoy the outdoors. I may need to take on other authors to contribute in the future just to keep up with this, and will update this page accordingly.